Tap the experience of a creative veteran who partners with leadership and project teams to build Canada’s best-loved brands.
Joining TD Bank Group just a few months prior to the pandemic, I was joining a village on a lofty mission: fuse a disparate collection of highly skilled creative resources into an efficient, revenue generating Centre of Excellence in service to TD’s multi-channel, brand obsessed marketing unit! Despite the sudden pivot to a fully remote work environment for almost 2-years, we got a lot accomplished together. Including growth from 25 to 45 full time employees, embedding scaled production efficiencies into our workflows using homegrown, Canadian tech like Flexitive, and earning the trust of our colleagues across the enterprise to expand our service offering beyond in-branch and digital channels into broadcast advertising, XM and performance marketing initiatives. Today Agency 361 is responsible for just shy of 70% of TD’s customer facing communications.
Millennials spend more on coffee than they save for retirement
Problem brewing: “We’re not getting our fair share of that spend in the grocery aisle. Build us content that will help drive trial and volume in Canadian grocery aisles.”
Idea percolating: Video + Display + Microsite that brings Starbucks' legendary Third Place Experience to life for those Canadians not quite ready to leave their home on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Sub-Brand Logo
Social + Partnership Content
Narrative + Design
Mobile Site
Online Video
Creative Direction, Copywriting: David Hamilton
Design, Illustration: Jackie Saik
Quality and heritage are two of the defining features that make craft brewers matter to customers,
So, we set out to create compelling new package design and a more laser focussed brand story when we turned Brick Brewing into Waterloo Brewing. A change that would better reflect the Ontario’s first craft brewer’s heritage and culture. A story anchored by it’s origin story and one that would ultimately ignite a rediscovery – among bar staff, distributors and drinkers – of what the brewery has always stood for: great beer and a stubborn approach to brewing it!
Logo Design
Website + E-Commerce
Social Content
Creative Direction + Copywriting: David Hamilton
Designs Hayley Malcho, Jackie Saik, Nancy Ng
Putting millennial motorists in the driver’s seat
In an increasingly customizable world, auto insurance was long overdue for disruption. By choosing to respect the target’s decision to drive less, CAA Insurance demonstrates a unique understanding of millennials’ changing attitudes, offering them a means of reducing and controlling their premiums.
Logo Design
App Skin(s)
Launch Plan + Creative
Social Content
Creative Direction: David Hamilton
Copywriting: David Hamilton, Trevor Tuminski
Art Direction: Inna Vartazarian
Design: Vanessa Rosati
Together with Bob Goulart, I was been responsible for stewarding the brand voice and premium image of Canada’s most loved menswear retailer for almost twenty years.
Here is but a snapshot of this iconic campaign’s evolution. And a one off that got a chuckle from the man himself when we presented it.